Although the relations between periodontal issues and other physical disease have been reported,significant relations among periodontal disease,malocclusion and orthodontic treatment have not been reported.However,orthodontic treatment creates pockets,causing gingival recession as well as bone loss.Especially,in adult orthodontic treatment we must consider the periodontal tissue.It has been considered that occlusal problem would not cause periodontal disease,but mesial inclined teeth tends to cause plaques to the mesial site,forming pockets,eventually leading the bone loss.We concluded that what we conduct orthodontic treatment,we must be careful of the periodontal tissues,in order to avoid the bone loss,attachment loss,or formation of periodontal pocket.
Dennis Tarnowは乳頭が形成されるか否かは、歯槽骨頂から接触点迄の距離が決定することを示した。この距離が5mm以下なら乳頭が存在し、6mmであれば50%が存在し、7mmは25%しか存在しないことを示した。つまり、5mmより距離が長くなれば、骨のサポートを喪失し乳頭を喪失することを意味している4)。
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5)小野善弘、畠山善行、宮本泰和、山本浩正,Key Points of Clinical